Inch Loss / Fat Loss Plan

" You don't have to eat less, you just have to eat right ! "

Ideal For:
Students, Bachelors, Men, Women, Postpartum, and senior citizens.

How it Works

This program is designed for anyone who is seeking Fat loss and Inch loss.

To give you an overview, my Inch Loss / Fat Loss program is based solely on balanced, healthy food and nutrition. I believe in creating a healthy lifestyle rather than promoting quick Inch loss/ Fat loss through the use of pills or unnecessary supplements.

Diets do not work; smart eating habits do. The right amount of exercise for your body type, done in the right way and for the right amount of time, works. I can confidently say that you can lose up to 2-3 inches a month if diet and exercise are followed properly. My personalised plans will be entirely safe for your body.

If you are ready to take the first step, I would be honored to help you on your journey.

program features

  • *99% Success Rate*  Your commitment is essential and I will encourage you all along the way.
  • Online video consultation on WhatsApp/ Botim.
  • Safe and permanent Inch loss / fat loss.
  • Weekly diet plan shared on WhatsApp with consistent follow-ups.

Program Charges

Inch Loss / Fat Loss Plan

₹ 3500 /-

( 1 month plan with change in diet every week )

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