Green juice:

When you strike a balance of vegetables and fruit, green juices can be a great snack or morning drink. They are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that do all sorts of wonderful things for our health. All those dark green veggies are a great source of vitamin A, antioxidants, vitamin C, Potassium, fibre.

Here are seven benefits you can expect with a glass of green juice early morning empty stomach-

1. Alkalizes the Body

2. Boost Energy Levels

3. Delays Ageing

4. Improves Gut Health

5. Detoxifies Body

6. Supports Healthy Immune System

7. Bioavailable Nutrients

Ingredients:( For 1 glass)

  1. 4-5 leaves Spinach
  2. 1/2 Cucumber
  3. 1/2 Apple
  4. 1/4 stalk Celery
  5. 8-10 Mint leaves
  6. 1/2 lemon
  7. 1 glass water

Method of Preparation:

  1. Add all ingredients in a blender with a glass of water. ( I prefer to use blender rather than juicer)
  2. Blend and strain
  3. Add 1 tsp of fibre after straining in the juice, mix well and enjoy!
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