Jamun/ Black Plum

Jamun—-Rich in nutrients with several health benefits. Do not forget to add this seasonal fruit in your diet.

  • Regulates Blood Sugar levels
  • Rich in Dietary Fibre — Aids Digestion, Prevents Constipation
  • Packed with Antioxidant – Reduce the risk of Chronic Diseases
  • Helps Regulate Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
  • Boost Immunity — High Vitamin C content strengthens the Immune System
  • It’s High Fibre, Low Calorie content helps in Weight Management
  • Skin Health – Reducing signs of aging
  • Antibacterial Properties can help maintain oral hygiene
  • It’s High Iron content effectively Boosts Haemoglobin levels
  • Anti-cancer Properties

However, moderation is the key, and it’s important to balance jamun consumption with a variety of other fruits and vegetables to ensure a well- rounded nutrient intake.

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