Red Cabbage Salad

Red cabbage is a good source of vitamin K and provides small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which can help build and maintain healthy bones. Like other cruciferous vegetables, red cabbage contains various nutrients that our body needs. Research also suggests that diets high in cruciferous vegetables like red cabbage may help protect against some types of cancer.

Red cabbage also helps with weight loss since it’s low in calories, has a high water content, and is a good source of dietary fiber and other nutrients such as antioxidants. These factors help you feel full without consuming too many calories, making red cabbage a healthy addition to your diet.


1/2 head of red cabbage sliced thin
3-4 chopped Walnuts
1 carrot shredded
1 lemon, juiced
1 tsp honey
1tsp mustard sauce(optional)
salt and pepper to taste


1.Finely slice the cabbage and set aside in a bowl.

2.Add walnuts to the bowl of cabbage.

3.Add shredded carrots.
Toss for 30 seconds to remove the cold essence.

6.In a small jar, add the lemon juice, salt, mustard, pepper and honey. Shake well then pour over the cabbage. Toss the salad and enjoy.

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