Amla Juice

Weight loss is never as easy as it sounds and can get difficult with changes in the weather. However, certain foods help speed up your metabolism: Amla is one of them.

Amla is a super-food and richest in Vitamin C, which boosts your immunity to fight off toxins and inflammation, reduces sugar and cholesterol while beautifying hair and skin. The Vitamin C in amla is absorbed most easily by the body compared to store bought supplements.
Early research shows that taking amla/amla juice for 4 weeks to 6 months, decreases LDL or ‘bad cholesterol’ in people with high cholesterol. Amla has gained a following throughout the world as a “superfruit.” It’s no surprise – a 100-gram serving of fresh amla berries contains as much vitamin C as 20 oranges. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in amla can benefit memory by fighting against free radicals that can attack and damage brain cells.
There are 2 ways to prepare amla juice. You can prepare it fresh or prepare it for a week.

•250 gms amla
•1 1/2 glass water
•Blend and strain
•Add 1/2 tsp pink salt
Store it in a glass bottle and refrigerate.

•1 amla
•1/2 glass water
•Blend and strain
Amla shot is ready!

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