Carrot Beetroot Tomato Juice

For those who want a daily health boost, this vegetable juice is an excellent choice, as it can provide a concentrated dose of nutrients and antioxidants to our system. Beetroot Carrot Tomato Juice is a miracle drink made by blending fresh beetroot, carrot and tomato. It is loaded with vitamin A & C, minerals, and antioxidants. It is refreshing, helps to boost immunity, detoxifying, energetic, nourishes skin add adds glow to the skin.

This juice is also known as Miracle drink as it is full of benefits :

Beetroot – very rich in antioxidants, good source of iron, folate—a vitamin that helps keep our blood vessels healthy—and potassium to help protect our heart. Nitric oxide from beets increases blood flow to our muscles.

Carrot – good source of Vitamin A which improves eyesight, carotenoids helps to fight against cancer.

Tomato – good in Vitamin A and C and lycopene that builds immunity.


1/2 beet root washed, peeled and chopped
1/2 carrot washed, peeled and chopped
1 medium size tomato washed and chopped
1 cup water


Put the chopped vegetables in the blender with water. Blend it in a smooth paste, strain and enjoy. Add 1 tsp of fibre from the strainer in your juice for some extra nutrition:)

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